We've provided answers to a few of our most common questions in hopes this will be helpful and destress you about giving us a visit!
We stand firmly with the authority of God's word and redemption that can only be through Jesus Christ. We have sermons grounded in scripture, to deliver the good news. We have a little more of a modern worship style that hints at tradition from time to time. We are grace-centered, not appearance-centered, so come as you are, ready to worship. We try our best to provide a relaxed but reverent environment, thus all focus is on Jesus.
We have Kingdom Kids on Sunday mornings for children ages 3-10. We also have weekly youth nights called "Total Pursuit Youth" for Middle School and High School students.
All leaders, pastors, and volunteers are background checked prior to being able to serve in any aspect of our youth and children's ministries.
We have a large parking area directly in front of our church with overflow around the back.
As stated above, you can wear whatever makes you comfortable. We care way more about your heart than your outfit. We do ask that women dress respectfully and men dress in shirts without offensive language, etc.
Feel free to jump back to the main page you started on and fill out a connection card there. We'd love to hear from you and begin earning your trust in relationship. God Bless!