At Freedom Hope, we believe that the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus
Christ, as recorded in the Bible, exist without compromise and are not subject to human-
centric interpretation. We further believe the Bible to be without match and of divine ispiration. Therefore, it needs nothing added or taken away (2nd Timothy 3:16).
We believe that EVERY person is a child of God, a God who doesn’t care who
you are or what you’ve done. He offers you salvation, and at Freedom Hope, we would love to join you on your journey from Lost to Found in the saving love of the Father!
Connection is far more important than Correction.
We believe that this simple truth could radically change the Church experience for so many. Unfortunatlely, the American church has found itself rooted in correcting rather than connecting. Join us to be a part of a church on the move to lead people to a relationship with Jesus.