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All of us know how hard it is to be around people who complain about everything these people tend to be negative no matter what is going on they are the proverbial problem for every solution group. Well unfortunately I think most of us fall into this category at some point, some for a season, some with good reason and some just choose to live there.  

So what does God think of all our non stop complaining well the Bible gives us some insight in Numbers 11:1 it says: 

 “And the people complained in the hearing of the LORD about their misfortunes, and when the LORD heard it, his anger was kindled, and the fire of the LORD burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp.”  

 I think its obvious that God is not pleased with our non stop complaining in fact it goes on to say that God relented after they turned to Him in prayer. Numbers 11:2 says: 

“Then the people cried out to Moses, and Moses prayed to the LORD, and the fire died down.” 

So what is the lesson to be learned here, simple in stead of complaining, start praying when something isn’t going well or you are struggling to deal with life’s circumstances let this be an opportunity to return to the one who can change things. I know that prayer has lost its importance in the life of most Christians but this shouldn’t be the case in our lives. God longs to hear from us and the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ are at the ready as intercessors before the father. (Romans 8) Some might say well it’s just too much and I don’t even know what to pray, good news when we don’t know what to pray the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. (Romans 8) So really we have plenty of reasons to pray and no real reason to complain. I realize that some would say this is heartless and I agree that this is probably more direct and intense than you are used to or prefer but it doesn’t change the fact that the Lord desires involvement as more than just the person you blame for everything but instead wants to be and for the believer is an “Ever present help in time of need” (Psalm 46)