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We as Christians constantly feel the pressure of being the people who show up when all others have not. We love to go the extra mile (Which is good since Jesus said if your asked to go 1 mile go 2: Matthew 5:41) but we have really neglected the reality that just because we can do something doesn't mean we should do that thing. I am know for what my friends and family call fortune cookie sayings so "It can be a good thing and not a God thing." Too many times we as Christians allow our willingness to do what others won't to become our Identity and these traits while on there own are not bad in fact they are commendable they are not healthy when wrongly utilized or taken advantage of. Let me give you an example, meet my friend Joe Everybody well see Joe loves to serve and use his gifts to bless people but the problem is Joe is always over extending himself so he is chronically tired and unhealthily stressed, So as people call and say hey Joe would you look at my sink, car, dishwasher, water heater, etc. He always says okay and what this does is increase his stress levels and other peoples expectations of Joe. Joe doesnt realize that his desire to do a good thing is actually hurting him and reducing his capacity to be helpful to those around him. Joe's repairs start dropping in quality and his wife and kids are becoming more frustrated not understanding why everyone around Joe is more important than they are. See it's true that the great call of Christianity is service but even service when taken from it's rightful position in the christian life can become and Idol and our desire to help can actually become hurtful relationally, physically and spiritually. 

Romans 12:3