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Most people who go hiking in National Parks or Forests do not wander off into the woods in a random direction.  They follow well-marked, blazed trails.  By doing so, they ensure that they do not become lost and can find their way back to their starting point.  Wise experienced hikers still carry maps and a compass, just in case.  Bad weather or a forest fire can reduce visibility and make for difficult travel.  

There is a powerful parallel in our lives here and lessons to be learned.  We go down the road of life, a road that IS NOT a clearly marked. There are bumps and rough spots, twists and turns that we cannot predict and do not see until they are upon us.  If you do not have the tools you need to get through these difficult situations in life, you, too, can become lost.

Fortunately, we are blessed with the tools we need to weather any storm, get through any situation that life throws at us.  For our spiritual journey, we have a compass and a map to follow, BUT WE MUST SPEND TIME LEARNING HOW TO USE THESE TOOLS!  We also have a guide who will lead us if we allow Him to do so.

Our map is the Holy Bible.  In it you will find your “compass” that will show you the way.  This compass is the scriptures, which help you see and understand how to get through any “storm” in life.  As for the guide, His name is Jesus Christ.  In his short time on Earth, he blazed a clear trail for us to follow by his teaching and his actions.  Throughout his travels, he came upon strangers whom he did not know and would not see again; they needed help and he always stopped to help.  

If we use our map and compass daily and follow the example set for us by our Guide, we will find that our heavenly father  will always show us the way through life’s darkness and keep us on the righteous road ahead.